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Hello! I'm May Sasicha👋🏼

A UX Designer based in Bangkok who believes that design can improve the quality of human life. I enjoy making simple designs that inspire and engage others.  

Welcome to my portfolio, and please feel free to contact me if you have any questions! :D

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Design has helped me find my way in life. I was exposed to the design thinking process while in architecture school. It sparked my curiosity in product design and creative thinking.


During my final years of architecture school, I had the opportunity to work in product designing, such as mobile applications, websites, and physical products for supporting inclusive people. Over the course of that year, I discovered that I was really satisfied with my work. I can see the end result and the positive impact that an easily accessible product can have on people's lives. It enables people to take part in society equally. 

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Check out what my colleagues have to say about me.

"Her self-discipline and positivity motivated her peers and greatly impacted the project. Sasicha pushed herself to be more open.
She was eager to learn and practice new ideas."

Ekkachan Eiamanawattana
Director - Creative Crews Ltd.


Let's talk

If you're interested to contact me for your project, please do not hesitate to contact me.

It would be my pleasure to collaborate on the next big idea!

Website :

Email :

Mobile : +66 87 414 0551

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